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Vikings fans gear up for Monday playoff game in Arizona

Minnesotans are gearing up for the big Vikings game both at home and in Arizona.

“I think the overall attitude is just maybe next year,” Naylor, a Vikings fan, said. “It’s kind of disappointment after disappointment with them, honestly.”

Most Minnesotans hang on to “What ifs” and “Maybes” as Vikings fans.

Behind the bar at The Loop in Minneapolis, Naylor gets a firsthand look at Vikings fan reaction and a roller coaster of emotions.

“There’s a lot of hope and sometimes some letdowns, but it keeps my attention,” Craig Dunkel, another Vikings fan, said.

The latest letdown was losing to the Detroit Lions and missing out on the bye and home-field advantage in the playoffs.

“I kind of felt bad for the team because I know they can play at a better level than they were doing,” Dunkel said.

The last time the Vikings and the Rams faced off, the Vikings lost.

It didn’t stop some fans from booking a flight to witness the second matchup in person.

“I believe with the change to Arizona, there’s going to be more Vikings fans present at this one because of the people who snowbird from Minnesota to Arizona in the wintertime,” William Stein, Vikings fan, said.

Stein has been to 16 season games. Monday night’s game will be the 17th.

“So cautiously optimistic is the best way I can describe being a Vikings fan. You want to hope for the best, but you’re always prepared for the worst,” Stein said.

The Monday night game could be the last one of the season, but fans are hopeful the Vikings can pull it off.

“I’ve been a Vikings fan since I can remember, going back before the 80s, and I think it’s just about the loyalty and the hope that it’ll happen,” Dunkel said.

Even though the game is in Arizona, there are still some watch bars and parties across the metro.