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Austin Reaves shares LeBron James’ hilarious stance on playing 1v1s

Lakers guard Austin Reaves shares LeBron James’ stance on 1v1 games, emphasizing teamwork over individual play.

Los Angeles Lakers guard Austin Reaves recently offered a unique perspective on LeBron James’ approach to basketball, particularly when it comes to one-on-one matchups. During an appearance with BustaJack Golf, Reaves discussed his willingness to take on any challenger in a one-on-one game, saying, “I’ll play anyone 1-on-1. I’m not saying I’m gonna win, but I’ll play anybody.” However, when asked if he’s ever played against LeBron, Reaves revealed an interesting philosophy from the four-time NBA champion.

“Nah, he don’t play 1v1. He said 1v1 is not real basketball… which I kind of agree with,” Reaves shared.

LeBron’s stance on one-on-one games goes beyond a personal preference — it reflects his deep understanding of basketball as a team-oriented sport. Throughout his career, James has been known for his team-first mentality and ability to elevate those around him, emphasizing strategy and collective effort over individual showmanship. For James, one-on-one basketball lacks the essential elements that define the sport, such as teamwork, communication, and making the right plays to benefit the entire team.

Reaves, who has become a key player for the Lakers alongside LeBron and Anthony Davis, has come to appreciate this team-centric philosophy. Since joining the Lakers in 2021 as an undrafted player, Reaves has developed a close relationship with the veteran leader, learning from James’ experience and approach to the game. Despite never squaring off in a one-on-one battle, Reaves has immense respect for James’ perspective on the sport.

Austin Reaves highlights LeBron’s focus on teamwork over individual matchups

LeBron’s view on one-on-one matchups highlights his belief that basketball is more than just a test of individual skill. For James, the sport is about making smart decisions, creating opportunities for teammates, and understanding the dynamics of a five-man game. One-on-one play, while entertaining, removes those core aspects, reducing basketball to a simpler contest of size and talent. It’s this comprehensive approach that has allowed LeBron to maintain his high level of play throughout his lengthy career.

Reaves’ insights also underscore why LeBron’s game has aged so well. His ability to involve teammates and facilitate plays has been a hallmark of his success, even as he approaches the twilight of his career. In an NBA era where individual talent and highlights often dominate the conversation, James has consistently prioritized team success. His refusal to engage in one-on-one games is emblematic of his commitment to basketball’s true essence — a game built on collaboration and strategy.

Fans may continue to clamor for one-on-one showdowns, especially during events like the NBA All-Star Weekend, but for LeBron, the true beauty of basketball lies in the team aspect. The focus on strategy, communication, and mutual trust has been central to his success, and it’s a philosophy that Reaves has come to embrace during his time with the Lakers. While one-on-one matchups can be exciting, they fail to capture the full complexity of the game, as LeBron sees it.