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Amazing! Beautiful Colored Spider Caught on Camera

An amateur photographer has captured what many are calling the world’s “most colorful spider.” Taken in India, the photos showcase the multitude of colors of this tiny peacock spider, which include pink, blue, purple, red, and orange. This tiny colored spider has a size of 0.3 cm with a length of 0.75 cm. The spiders are pink, […]

An amateur photographer has captured what many are calling the world’s “most colorful spider.” Taken in India, the photos showcase the multitude of colors of this tiny peacock spider, which include pink, blue, purple, red, and orange.

Beautiful Colored Spider

This tiny colored spider has a size of 0.3 cm with a length of 0.75 cm. The spiders are pink, blue, purple, red, and orange.

Amateur photographer Pavan Tavrekere (31) was so taken aback by the little arachnid that he decided to show off how vivid the image is.

Beautiful Colored Spider

Pavan, from Bangalore, India, saw the spider in the city’s JP Nagar area – and said he was ‘flabbergasted’ when he first saw it.

“It was beautiful colors and the little animal didn’t seem to stay in one place for more than three seconds. All I knew was I had to take some pictures, to show other spider fans what I found.” page , Thursday (19/3/2020).

Beautiful Colored Spider

This is the first time that many people have seen it. Then, he moved to another place and set up, and photographed it for about 20 minutes.

“They were very restless at first, and never stayed in one place for more than a few minutes. It just kept disappearing under the dry leaves on the ground,” Pavan explained.

Pavan, a photography enthusiast who works for an IT company, added that the tiny spiders often appear between February and April every year.

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