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A cunning hyena that is on the prowl comes across a snake that is busy strangling an impala and decides to take the impala for itself

Hyenas are powerful animals, yet they are renowned for their capacity for scavenging.

Why? Take a look at this video! Jason Joubert, a 33-year-old Trails guide, witnessed this incredibly rare occurrence of a python successfully trapping an impala. The python’s triumph was fleeting, though, as a crafty hyena stole the impala from under him!

A hyena was looking around an open area with his nose right to the ground. He spent some time investigating the area and appeared to be quite interested in whatever it was he caught a whiff of. The hyena looked ᴄʟᴏsᴇr and discovered an African Rock Python wrapped around a newborn impala!

Jason described how thrilling it was to watch the hyena cautiously approach the python and how this was the first time he had ever seen a python with an impala catch. It drew more and nearer till it was only a short distance away from the food.

While maintaining control of the impala, the python put up a valiant effort by moving its head to mimic the hyena. The python was eventually worn down by the hyena, at which point the theft was rather simple. Jason said that he was overjoyed! He had never seen anything like this in his 13 years of guiding, he was only disappointed that the python ʟᴏsᴛ its ᴋɪʟʟ after putting so much effort into it.

Let’s take a look at the video: