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30+ Of The Craziest Nail Fails You Will Ever See

Spiritual nails welcome the spirit month, toilet paper nails in case… stuffy nose, these super-utility and multi-use nail designs are making netizens “take their hats off” for being too cool and creative. always limited!

Let’s “walk around” these super unique nail designs, dare anyone to try this!

Craziest Nail
Brush Your Teeth Twice A Day, And Your Nails Once

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier than full ears as your nails, this one is unveiled. We all know glossy white French Manicures are popular, but this is taking it a little too far. Though it may make hand puppets more interesting.

Craziest Nail
This Crazy Nail Design Trend Nose No Bounds

At least this one doesn’t come with crazy moustache hair! But does that really make it any better? Nope! All credit to the nail artist who can actually fashion a realistic-looking human nose on every finger – and on such a tiny surface area as a nail, at that – but still… that’s enough for me, thanks.

Craziest Nail
Gobstoppers For Nails

These are such a bad shape that it genuinely begs the question – are these nails or marbles that have been stuck on? This is just a completely failed attempt, at what we are not sure. Unless of course the aim was to create shiny balls on the end of their fingers…

Craziest Nail
Someone’s A Hello Kitty Fan

Something about this nail look not so subtly suggests they are a MASSIVE Hello Kitty fan. The kittens, the hearts, the bows…it’s a lot. It’s definitely bright and cheerful but we have to class this as a nail fail because the overall effect is a little too sickly sweet.

Craziest Nail
A Macabre Nail Choice…

Rifles, guns…you name it. This girl has loaded (pun intended) her fingers with weapons and it’s a pretty disturbing look. Image rocking up to work with these on your hands. There’s a reason people go for the classic colours and manicures and not guns – it’s pretty terrifying.

Craziest Nail
As Many Gross Things On One Hand As Possible

The only explanation to this look is that this person wanted as many gross things as possible on one hand, and something different for each nail. There’s more than a few questionable nails here and one of the most gross has to be the black hair which has just been stuck randomly onto the finger, as well as the strange kind of pustule effect on another.

Craziest Nail
Pierced Nails

We’ve heard of pierced ears but how about pierced nails? It is pretty much possible to have a piercing just about anywhere on your body today and now apparently we can even have pierced nails. Do we want them after seeing this nail fail? No, we don’t think so.

Craziest Nail
Go On… Avo Manicure

Avocados suddenly became the biggest craze, everybody was posting pictures on Insta of their smashed avo on sourdough toast. This person took it even further. They decided to have it as nail art. And, since seeing this we can’t imagine the craze went any further.

Craziest Nail
Bling Nails

There’s no denying there’s a lot of bling on these nails; heart gems, diamantes, glitter…you name it. Perhaps that’s the reason that these nails are more like paddle sticks – so that there is more room to stick the extra diamantes on. This person clearly thinks more is less.

Craziest Nail
This Is What Fake Eye Lash Fingers Looks Like

In this nail fail somebody as decided that sticking fake eyelashes on their eyes is too conventional, so instead they’ve tried out a variety of different lash looks on their fingernails. I guess it’s a good to try out new looks. Something about this is a little freaky.

Craziest Nail
How About Some Extra Fingers?

When a normal amount of fingers isn’t enough, why not have a bunch of extra ones attached to your hand? And not only that, but why not make them super creepy, too? Another one for the Halloween Pinterest board, maybe? At least if you got bored of them you could chop of the fingers and be left with a somewhat acceptable pale white polish!

Craziest Nail
Forgot Your Earphones? No Problem!

Another brush you might forget to pack is your makeup brush, which is always a killer when you’ve foundation to apply. So why not make your next nail appointment design one made out of… bristles? At least you can keep your makeup brushes more clean this way – just wash them every time you wash your hands!

Craziest Nail
From Toothbrush To Makeup Brush

Another brush you might forget to pack is your makeup brush, which is always a killer when you’ve foundation to apply. So why not make your next nail appointment design one made out of… bristles? At least you can keep your makeup brushes more clean this way – just wash them every time you wash your hands!

Craziest Nail
Nail Brush

Not a fan of the previous art on this list with nails made of teeth? Well how about a nail made out of a whole toothbrush head instead? At least this one is a little more practical by the fact you could actually use it as a toothbrush… Definitely helpful if you forget to pack yours next time you take a trip.

Craziest Nail
She Sells Sea Shells On The Sea Shore

Or, if not the sea bed, then at the very least the nail bed. There’d be nothing wrong with ocean or shell-themed nails – in fact, it’d be very cute – but this takes it a little bit too far in the shell department. You’d definitely be worried about one of these falling off and making your next meal extra crunchy.

Craziest Nail
Worried About Running Out Of A Bottle For Your Baby? Never Fear!

You’d have to be a parent to get these done, otherwise it would be a little weird… Or weirder, to say the least. It would be kinda handy if they were actually filled with milk, but can’t imagine it’d be more than a drop. The attention to detail on these is very impressive, even if the design wouldn’t be, er – for everyone.

Craziest Nail
Gone Fishing

… and gone a little bit too far with 3D nail art, maybe. It’s seriously impressive, but not practical in the slightest. At least the nails themselves are some semblance of normal in sleek white, but a fisherman perched on the edge is going to make a lot of daily tasks difficult.

Craziest Nail
Suckling Pigs

Although this is definitely some serious talent (and kinda cute, all things considered) it should probably be left on the farm… Extra points for the twirly tails, but points taken off for the general absurdity and shocking shade of bright piglet pink.

Craziest Nail
Fear Of Bugs? Look Away Now

And definitely never, ever ask for the cockroach special – or whatever insectoid from a horror movie these are supposed to be! Again, maybe a great Halloween look, but only with the understanding that you’d rip them off and burn them as soon as possible once the 31st has passed!

Craziest Nail
You’ll Feel Like You’ve Fallen Down A Wormhole With These Ones

Even the craziest nail art sometimes makes a tiny bit of sense, but this is just purely bizarre. In fact, horrifying. Unless you’re someone who wants worms dangling from the end of every finger, that is. The only plus of this is it would make a pretty good Halloween costume.

Craziest Nail
Handy Toolkit, Anyone

It’d be great to carry a tool kit round with you, right? Handy if you need to tighten a nail or unscrew something. But instead of slipping a mini kit in your pocket, how about making your actual nails into screwdrivers? Why stop there? Why not make them neon coloured, too?

Craziest Nail
Succulent Lovers Might Like This One

Most people would agree that plants make you happier. Surrounding yourself with plants, and particularly easy-to-manage succulents, is a positive life choice. But when is it a step too far? When your home’s full? Or when you get nails made out of cacti? Probably the latter.

Craziest Nail
Does Something Smell Funny To You?

A nose on the end of your nail would be bad enough, but nose complete with nose hair? And nose hair that’s bound to drop and dip into every item of food or drink you consume? The creativity with the different nose sizes and moustache styles does deserve credit, though – as traumatizing as it is.

Craziest Nail
The Unsolvable Rubik’s Cube

You’ve no hopes of completing this one even if you were a dab hand at solving them. There’s something quite satisfying about the geometric shapes and colours on this one, but they’re still kinda crazy… especially when practical things come into it, like using your phone’s touch keypad.

Craziest Nail
A Treat For Halloween

Or any other time of year, if you’re that way inclined. Fans of the Predator movies might enjoy this one – or maybe, actually, does that look like the Kraken? Maybe you see what you want to see, but one thing we can all agree on is that this one is gruesome – whether you like that or not!

Craziest Nail
Lava Lamp Nails

Create your own night light with this nail art! Compared to some of the others on this list (see previous point) these are actually kinda cool. The fact that they actually look like blobs of lava is definitely impressive… And if they do glow, well, even better when you need a reading lamp.

Craziest Nail
Is That A Toilet Brush?

Wait… It’s not just a toilet brush, but… Okay, the level of detail is either really impressive or really disturbing. Why would you even want that on the end of your nails? It might make cleaning the toilet a little bit easier if they were actually brushes that worked – and by the looks of this picture, they sure did…

Craziest Nail
Hair And Long Nails Don’t Mix

It’s difficult enough trying to wash or style your hair when you’ve just had really long nails done, but imagine combining the two? All this looks like is you had a really bad shower accident where you tripped and ripped half your hair out. Which, unfortunately, decided to stay attached to the fingers…

Craziest Nail
There’s Apparently No Problem That IKEA Can’t Fix

Need a new table? IKEA. Need a flat-pack wardrobe? IKEA. Need some frankly rather disturbing new nails? IKEA. This nail art takes it to the next level by actually creating items of furniture and attaching them to the nails. Imagine trying to open a can of soda with a chair attached to the end of your finger.

Craziest Nail
Gender Reveal Nails?

I mean, it’s actually not a bad plan as far as gender reveals go – it’s certainly a quirky reason to get some crazy nail art done. Sort of like unveiling a new engagement ring, but for a different meaning… It still looks mind-blowingly weird though.

Craziest Nail
Brings A Whole New Meaning To ‘Talk To The Hand’

Other body parts and nails just don’t mix, but they seem to be a very popular option for crazy nail art. One ear on one nail would be freaky enough, but this just takes it to a whole new level. To top it off, the ears have piercings, too? No thanks!

Craziest Nail
Never Worry About The Washing Up Again

Is there anything worse than realising you’ve run out of knives and forks and need to do the dishes? Well now you don’t have to worry about it when your own nails can be your cutlery! And posh silver cutlery at that. Gives a whole new meaning to finger food, doesn’t it?