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Mistakes and indications that the tattoo has been harmed: Don’t undervalue abstinence, one misstep is enough to ruin it

Owning a tattoo today is not difficult, but how to make it more perfect, not many people know. Getting tattoos on your body is what you decide to carry for the rest of your life, so not only do you need to choose the right tattooist, skin area or design, you also have to pay […]

Owning a tattoo today is not difficult, but how to make it more perfect, not many people know.

Getting tattoos on your body is what you decide to carry for the rest of your life, so not only do you need to choose the right tattooist, skin area or design, you also have to pay attention to how to take care of them properly way.


According to GQ, the phenomenon of the newly tattooed skin has problems, swelling or itching is a sign that your tattoo has become infected.

When the tattoo is done, the skin there is often red because they are exactly a wound on the surface of the skin. For those of you with healthy skin, the tattoo may dry immediately after tattooing, and for others, there will be a slight bleeding of tissue at the tattoo site.


Whether the tattoo heals quickly or slowly or is damaged is mainly due to 3 main reasons: location, tattooist’s skill and not guaranteeing the sterilization of tattoo tools.

Signs to recognize a broken tattoo

– Bubbles on the skin: This sign shows that your skin has excess moisture. To avoid this, you need to remove the tattoo tape properly and take care to keep the area dry in clean air.


Acne on or near the tattoo: This is not a good sign, but it is not too serious. It is the result of bacteria buildup around the tattoo area. It is important that you do not touch or squeeze the pimple in this area of ​​the skin, or it may become more infected.

– Wash your hands before touching the tattoo and keep it dry. In addition, the tattoo needs to be carefully shielded from the sun and moisturized every night to avoid discoloration.


– Peeling skin and thick scabs: This sign warns you that you may be allergic to tattoo ink. This will appear as an excessive red, itchy, and scaly rash.

– Do not arbitrarily peel off the scabs because that will cause your tattoo to be out of focus, smeared with ink. You should use the right moisturizer and consult your doctor before use. Especially if you don’t want the tattoo to be damaged, you absolutely must not scratch the healing wound.

Foot tattoo infection

If the tattoo contains pus, this is a sign of infection and may be accompanied by fever or inflammation. In this case, you should visit your doctor to find a solution.

Taking care of a tattoo is like taking care of a wound, if you want it to heal faster, it’s best not to disregard diet, even diet or exercise.

The best way to avoid unfortunate things happening, you should follow the instructions from the tattooist to get the “jewelry set” on the body more prominent.


Some good signs that the tattoo is healing

– Hemorrhage: This depends on the body of each person, but a small amount during and after tattooing is normal. This is why you should avoid alcohol and certain stimulants for at least 24 hours.


Clear liquid: This is how a normal wound heals. The ink can also bleed and you just need to wait for it to stop on its own.

If the tattoo is starting to dry out and scab over, let it heal on its own. To wash the area, you need to use warm water and antibacterial soap, then pat dry with a soft towel without rubbing.